About TikGadget

About TikGadget


TikGadget (www.tikgadget.jp) is a platform designed for gadget enthusiasts and those who love exploring the latest innovations. Launched in November 2020, our mission is to share the excitement and potential of cutting-edge gadgets crafted with the latest technology.

Currently, we have reviewed over 200 gadgets annually.

Our primary focus is on international gadgets, providing clear and accessible information about newly released high-tech products, including discount and promotional details. We aim to serve as a helpful resource for anyone considering purchasing new gadgets.

While we often receive official review samples from manufacturers, we ensure that every review is conducted fairly and independently. For products not available in Japan, we frequently purchase them at our own expense to deliver authentic and unbiased reviews.

  • For details regarding our privacy policy, please refer to this page.
  • Our content is also featured on Google News. We’d appreciate your follow!
  • Additionally, our articles are available via RSS feed. Feel free to check it out!

Achievements of Our Site

Review Achievements

Since our launch in November 2020, we have reviewed a total of 631 gadgets.

Here is a breakdown by category:

Category Number of Reviewed Products
PC & Monitors 98
Earphones & Speakers 56
Webcams 25
Gaming Devices 73
Smartphones & Tablets 184
Smartwatches & Bands 49
Mobile Monitors 1
Robot Cleaners 15
Health & Beauty Equipment 21
Home Appliances & Others 187

Note: Some products are registered under multiple categories, so the total number of reviews by category does not necessarily match the overall number of reviews.

Site Traffic

The recent site traffic statistics are as follows:

Monthly page views(PV / month) 700,000 ~ 900,000 PV / Per month
Monthly unique users(UU / month) 420,000 ~ 580,000 UU / Per month

About the Administrator


Lei, based in Japan (with occasional business trips to China), is the administrator of TikGadget.

Born in 1992, Lei completed a master’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at a graduate school in Tokyo. After gaining experience in the design and budgeting departments as a developer, Lei transitioned to an independent career as a web content creator. Lei has since established multiple websites, including TikGadget.

In collaboration with domestic and international manufacturers, Lei engages in gadget reviews, news writing, guest contributions, translation, editing, web design, and website management services.

Contact Information (Accepting Review Requests and Article Writing Inquiries)

We welcome review requests from both domestic and international manufacturers.

For inquiries regarding reviews, article writing, or publication, please contact us via the contact form, our official X account, or the email address below.

English OK!
Please feel free to contact me using the following link or form:


アイコン ニックネーム 紹介
レイ(管理人)のロゴ Lei(Administrator)
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A web content creator passionate about the latest gadgets. A graduate of a science and engineering graduate school, Lei collaborates with domestic and international companies, reviewing over 200 gadgets annually. Lei specializes in presenting electronic devices and appliances that enrich daily life in an easy-to-understand manner.
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Enjoys gaming and 3D modeling as hobbies!
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A part-time engineer introducing PC apps and business tools to boost productivity. Also shares programming and language learning tips.
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Focuses on the latest news about Chinese Android smartphones and tablets in the highly competitive gadget market.

About the Privacy Policy

We strive to ensure the information provided on this site is accurate at the time of publication. However, please note that TikGadget cannot be held responsible for any losses, damages, or other issues that may arise from the use of the information or external links provided on this site.

While we make every effort to keep the information up to date, some content may become outdated over time. For the latest and most accurate information, please refer to official websites or sources.

Products linked on this site are not sold directly by TikGadget but by the respective linked stores. For purchase inquiries or other questions, please contact the respective stores directly.

TikGadget cannot be held responsible for any issues or disputes arising from product purchases.

For more detailed information about our privacy policy, please refer to the page below:


執筆者: レイ(管理人)